CNC Machine

Earlier this year, Firth Campers invested in some high tech CNC machinery for precision cutting of our furniture components, as well as purchasing an automatic edgebanding machine.

Flat Pack furniture kits

Recently, we have developed Flat Pack furniture kits using our new CNC Machine, for smaller conversion companies and self builders. These furniture kits are available on the Furniture Kit page on our website.

Firth Campers Charity Half Marathon.

In 2019, we (Carl and Andrea), in a moment of madness, committed to taking part in the Great North run half marathon, which took place on September 9th in Newcastle. 


Andrea has taken part in several half marathons before as well as completing the London marathon in 2010. For Carl though, this was his first official run – he went straight for a big one! Most people start with a 5k, but Carl decided he would enter a half marathon for his first! If you know Carl well though, you will know he never does anything by halves, so it's not really that surprising he went straight for a big challenge!


As part of the event, we pledged to raise money for our chosen charity, Get Kids Going, a national charity which gives disabled children and young people up to the age of 26 years the wonderful opportunity of participating in sport. Get Kids Going provides specially built sports wheelchairs so young children can take part in: athletics, marathons, tennis, skiing, rugby, sailing, basketball, sledge hockey, table tennis, fencing, shooting, archery, powerlifting and many more sports. The charity inspires British disabled youngsters to compete in sporting events, from start to paralympic level, by also giving them sports grants to help with their training, physiotherapy, travel, competition fees, design and development of sports' equipment etc. With your help many can become world record holders and paralympic champions!

The charity appealed to us as parents and also as people who enjoy exercising and keeping fit and the benefits that come with it. We are very keen to try and teach our own children how important being active and keeping fit is and if we can help other children in the process of taking part in a sport we truly enjoy, then all the better.


Our goal was to raise at least £600 for our charity, which we smashed thanks to the generosity and support of our family friends and generous work colleagues. Thank you to everyone who helped us achieve our target, and to some of our generous corporate sponsors, Roy Wood Transits, T4 Campers, NC Interiors, S. Hunt of AIMS for supporting us in a very worthwhile charity event.


Who knows, we may just do it again one year!! (If our knees hold out)

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